Tuesday 7 May 2024

 Magic World meets the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Old World

Yep, you read it right. I'm running a campaign set in GW's WFRP Old World using Magic World as the rules. I'll be adding later versions of Warhammer, Stormbringer and Magic World lore and rules as we go along. I have 7 players and we've had two sessions so far.

The first was chaotic as the characters got to know each other, learned of a "legendary hero" who might be able to help with the situation and travelled to the hero's village to ask for her assistance.

Things settled down a bit in session two as the party concentrated on "the mission". It helps that most of the players are experienced wargamers and roleplayers; one has real-life military experience. Between them, they were able to formulate a plan.

It's a military truism that "no plan survives first contact with the enemy." And this proved accurate. They're now holed up in a cave complex, the lair of the Orcs and Ogres who have been causing the local problems, and the party is split, with some inside the caves and some outside.

Would you like to know more? If so, stay tuned and check back here when I update the thread on Reddit.

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