Tuesday 7 May 2024

 Magic World and Warhammer Old World

Here's a brief rundown of the characters involved:

  • Steve the Cobbler: A skilled craftsman and respected local businessman, known for producing footwear of excellent quality.
  • Lady True: A hero of old tales, missing and presumed dead for years, who reappeared in the Border Princes. Modelled on Brienne of Tarth in Game of Thrones. Reputed to be "a bit strange".
  • Warrick the War-drummer: A Dwarf bard, who specialises in loud drums and raucous songs. He uses drumsticks topped with Orc heads and a beer barrel as a drum.
  • Eckbert Almudsen: An ageing and somewhat absent-minded astrologer who was "directed by the stars" to come to the Border Princes. Has some magical talent and a few spells.
  • Aeryn, Keeper of the Light: An Elven sorceress of some skill and lots of ambition.
  • Remi the thief: An Estalian rogue, master of the glib tongue, scouting and bargaining.
  • Raynor the Barbarian: A Norscan (fantasy Viking) warrior, the sole survivor of a mercenary unit who holds a grudge against Orcs.

Where these characters will end up is beyond me as a GM to predict.

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